Monday, May 12, 2014

One year on...

So... it's been more than one year since I've started my own business on 22nd March 2014. I can say no regrets at all, and it has brought me to far more places than I had hoped for. 

Some thoughts:
  • I love being master of my own fate, and not "live on my knees" (quote from 300: Rise of An Empire. I know... but it's the only phrase from the movie that stuck with me). That was how I felt when I was working under a truly terrible boss who had no respect for people working under her. 
  • I enjoy what I do, the people that I meet, and the things that I've learnt. Far more and far quicker than if I were to remain an employee.
  • I don't suffer fools so easily now, and am less patient. Probably due to time constraints?
  • Extremely stressed at times, and white hair is sprouting all over. 
Overall, the experience has been really great. 

I hope I will be diligent in updating this space, to serve as a record of my own journey and perhaps as a reference to others who may face the same experiences.